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About Us

We love bringing joy through healthy, well-socialized golden retriever puppies! We firmly believe that if you are going to do something in life, do it the right way and do it as best as you can. We view our puppies as extensions of our family. The adoption process is an opportunity to blend our family and yours, and we keep in touch with many of our puppies' families over the years. Our advanced health testing, cutting-edge socialization, and continual customer support provide the best experience possible for families who adopt our golden retrievers. We know purchasing a puppy is a huge decision in your life, and we invite you to join us.

Not only do we focus on health, but we also take extra care to socialize our puppies well. We strive to cultivate friendly personality traits in our Golden Retriever Puppies for sale. High-quality socialization during the first two months of a puppy's life is one of the most critical components of its lifelong development. Socialization provides a strong foundation for emotionally healthy, well-adjusted adult dogs. This is easy to claim but hard to do. There simply is no replacement for quality time spent with puppies. We follow the lead of Dr. Carmen L. Battaglia and start with early neurological stimulation (ENS) when the puppies are just three days old. We continue thorough socialization until the puppies leave us. This includes exposing our puppies to a variety of different surfaces to walk on; human touch all over their bodies; temperature changes; different sounds like fireworks, doorbells, cats meowing, and car engines; children; baths and nail trims, and more. We want our puppies to be more than just physically healthy; we want them to be mentally and emotionally ready for their future families.

We Dogs

We have been breeding Golden Retriever for many years now

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